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The Basics ...

  • You control your actions in Dragon's Gate through the use of COMMANDS. When you see a prompt (>) appear on your screen, you may enter your commands.

  • Commands are simple sentences that say, "I want to ." Since the "I want to" is assumed, you only need to give the command.

  • The most basic command is a simple verb.

  • Example: >SMILE would display:
    Cheshire smiles.

  • Some commands consist of a verb and object. These are used to manipulate things you may find in the world.

  • Example: >GET SWORD. You get the sword.

  • More complex commands may require a verb, preposition, adjectives and multiple objects. It is a good idea to learn all you can about the commands you will use frequently. Circumstances can change very quickly, and your familiarity with commands may mean the difference between life and death in Dragon's Gate.

  • Feel free to play around with commands! You cannot harm Dragon's Gate, and you may discover that some commands will function in unusual ways, depending upon the situation in which you use them. Experimentation is a necessary and fun part of exploring a new world.

  • Format ...

  • Your commands will only be understood if the proper format, or syntax, is used. In describing the syntax of each command, the following symbols will be used:

  • < > Angle brackets enclose a required identifier. These indicate that Dragon's Gate expects to see something specific, such as a person's name or an item.

    Format: HUG [target] Example: >hug Merlin. Square brackets [ ] enclose optional information. Specific information may be typed, but is not necessary.

    Format: SPEAK [language] Example: >speak >speak Anthian

    | The pipe indicates a choice of items. Only one of the choices may be used in the command.

    Format: CONTACT [all | target]

    Example: >contact all Hello
    >contact Merlin Hello (Merlin would hear a private message saying, [your name] thinks to you, "hello")

    Braces { } enclose a choice of items. One or more of the items must be present.

  • The symbols themselves (such as the angle brackets < >) should not be typed. They are only used here to indicate variables in the commands.

  • In giving a command, any combination of upper and lower case letters may be used. Many optional words, such as articles (e.g. A, THE) and prepositions (e.g. IN, ON) are allowed. They may occur anywhere in the command statement except as the first word, which must be a command word.

  • Example:
    >get the sword = >get sword

  • A few commands require articles or prepositions. These are noted in the syntax of the specific command. If multiple copies of an item are present, you can specify a particular one by using a number before the item name.

  • Example: >get 2 sword
    Or >attack 3 ork.

  • In the first example, you would pick up the second sword displayed. In the second example, you would attack the third ork.


  • Format: HELP [category|subject]

    Examples: >help
    >help all - lists all the commands available under help.
    >help combat
    >help attack

  • The first example will list the categories, while the second example will list the commands available under combat. Finally, the third example will give you specific information about the attack command.

  • Specific Commands ...

  • An alphabetical list of commands, with references to the proper category, may be found at the end of this section. The commands are broken into eight categories: Combat, Communication, Information, Magick and Healing, Manipulation, Movement, Special, and Atmosphere/Self-Explanatory.

  • Each command is described in the appropriate category with format, examples and synonyms (alternate ways to input a command). Synonyms follow the same format as the command.

  • Most commands may be abbreviated to three letters, with the exception of commands that share the same three letters with another command, such as SPEak and SPElls. You'll see some of these abbreviations in the examples. NOTE: Be careful with abbreviations. If you are adventuring with Robard, and to attack a robber type ATT ROB, you may unintentionally harm your companion.

  • Only certain classes of adventurers use some commands, and some are learned as an adventurer gains experience in Dragon's Gate.

  • Communication Commands ...

    To speak, type an apostrophe (') or quotation mark (") followed by your message.

  • Format: '[text]
    Example: >'Hello there.
    Cheshire says, "Hello there."
    >"How are you?
    Cheshire asks, "How are you?"

  • You may direct your conversation to a specific person in the room by beginning your spoken text with the name of the target and a comma, followed by what you want to say. This is a way to answer publicly in a way everyone can tell who you are speaking to.

  • Example: >’Cheshire, I am well.
    Merlin says to Cheshire, “I am well."
    Synonym: " or SAY.

  • ACT
    Allows you to publicly perform any action you describe. This command is purely theatrical and has no direct effect upon the environment or anyone nearby. Note that whatever you type after act will be reproduced exactly as you type it, preceded with your name and enclosed by parentheses.

  • Format: ACT [text]
    Example: >act nods politely
    (Cheshire nods politely.)
    >act yawns... (Merlin yawns..)
    Synonym: EMOTE.

    In the event you become trapped in a room with no exits due to a bug or database damage, this command will move you to the nearest 'safe' room. If the use of this command does nothing, then there is an exit from the room you just haven't found yet. Some rooms are intentionally designed with no exit and appeal will not work. These rooms are for the more unsavory personages who are being jailed for some infraction. If you are there, you will know why.

  • Format: APPEAL
    Example: >appeal
    Synonym: None.

    Will contact any online Elder or Guide. This command should be used when you are faced with a minor emergency (e.g. the room you are in vanishes, your character doesn't respond to your commands, etc.). Generally, any strange event that appears linked to system bugs or failure is a good reason to use ASSIST. You need only assist once. Your assist request remains current until you're helped or you exit the game. When you use this command, you might receive notice that there are no Elders available to help. Please give the Elders a few minutes to respond. There are several circumstances that will cause the game to say that none are available when they actually are. In the event you no longer require aid, use the cancel option to remove your assist request.

  • Format: ASSIST [CANCEL]
    Example: >assist
    >assist cancel
    Synonym: None.

  • BUG
    Allows players to report suspected bugs during role-play. This command should be used any time the player encounters a bug. If the problem affects you, you may still want to use ASSIST to contact an Elder or Guide. But BUG adds the information to a special log file for handling by the Elders.

  • Format: BUG [text]
    Example: >bug When I entered the bank, my talon sword disappeared.
    Synonym: None.

    Allows long distance communication via mental messages. Only the message sender must have telepathic powers functioning. All members of the Psycian race have access to this command at all times. Access by other races is only gained through use of a special rune-spell.

  • Format: CONTACT [target] [message]
    Example 1: >contact Merlin Good evening, Merlin!
    (The CONTACT ROOM command shows your thoughts echoing through the entire room you are in.
    Example 2: Example 3: >CONTACT ALL Good evening!
    Synonym: None.

  • LINK
    Used by Dragons, Psycians, and Secians to send esp messages to everyone of that race. Notice that LINK will not always reach persons in distant areas.

  • Format: LINK [message]
    Example: >link I could use some help in the Arena!
    Synonym: None.

  • NOD
    Although usable by anyone, nod is of particular use to races that don't speak Common very well.

  • Format: NOD, NOD [yes | no]
    Example: >nod
    >nod yes
    >nod no.
    Synonym: None.

    Note: DO NOT USE THIS COMMAND UNLESS ASKED TO DO SO. Sends a message to all Elders currently in the game. This is best used for questions, comments, etc. that require Elder attention but not necessarily Elder interference or attendance. When using this command, you might get a message back saying no Elders are currently available. Even if you do, don't log off immediately; sometimes there are circumstances that will cause the game to tell you none are available when someone really is. This has been expanded to allow you to now report to a particular Elder. Guides cannot see general reports, only those specifically directed to them.

  • Format: REPORT [to ]
    Example: >report Can I ask you a quick question?
    >report to Ferragus I think I've found a bug.
    Synonym: None

    See YELL < \ yell> below.

    Everyone begins with the knowledge of their native, racial language and the Common tongue. Many will also know a class specific language as well. Drag-al begin with an additional starting language. Other languages may be learned over time. SPEAK allows you to chose which language you are currently using. After using SPEAK, everything you say will be translated into the specified language. Only those who can also speak that language will understand you. If no language is specified, you will speak Common. Type INFO LANGUAGES to see what languages you can currently speak and/or understand. Note: Arachnians cannot speak common, although other languages are available to them. Monitanians can only speak their own native language. They can both understand common though.

  • Format: SPEAK [language]
    Example: >speak
    >speak Anthian
    Synonym: None

  • TYPO
    Allows players to inform Elders of typos they have noticed during play.

  • Format: TYPO [text]
    Example: >typo the sign in the HoD reads "...fees will be colectted..."
    Synonym: None

    Delivers a private message to someone in the immediate vicinity.

  • Format: WHISPER [target] [message]
    Example: >whisper to Errol I don't like this.
    >whis merlin Let's go to the inn.
    Synonym: None

  • YELL
    Allows you to be heard by everyone in the immediate and adjacent areas.

  • Format: YELL [message]
    Example: >yell HELP! I'm trapped in here!
    Synonym: SCREAM [ \ scream]

    Information Commands ...

    The information commands allow access to and/or control of the statistics and general information pertaining to your own character, but in certain instances, you will be able to glean some information about other people or things in the world of Dragon's Gate. You will rarely learn everything you desire, however. These commands will provide only as much information as you are capable of acquiring or understanding in your current situation.

  • ? or HELP
    Displays a list of the available categories, HELP CATEGORY will list the specific commands within, while HELP SUBJECT will list help on a specific command.

  • Format: ? [category|subject]
    Example: >help
    >help combat
    >help attack.
    Synonym: HELP.

    Allows you to change your mood, clothes, and general appearance (a personalized description of your own choosing up to 75 characters long).

  • Format: APPEARANCE [feature] [style|HELP]
    Example: >appearance mood casual
    >appearance clothes filthy
    >appearance text [new 75 character description]
    Synonym: APPEAR.

    Reduces incoming room descriptions to a shortened, less verbose mode. This is useful if you wish to move rapidly through the world without seeing the full descriptions of each location, but you will miss some nice scenery on the way. See also the FULL and SUPERBRIEF commands.

  • Format: BRIEF.
    Example: >brief
    Synonym: None.

    Shows the number of seconds you have left on your delay counter.

  • Format: DELAY.
    Example: >Del
    Result: You have X seconds remaining.
    Synonym: None.

    Displays the current hit points, fatigue points, and injuries of your fellow adventurers. Useful when adventuring and you need to see quickly who is hurt and how badly. The option will restrict your information to the specified individual. [ALL] will tell you information on everyone in the room with you. [GROUP] will only provide info on other members of your adventuring group.

  • Format: DIAGNOSE [player|ALL|GROUP]
    Example: >diagnose Gamester
    >diag all
    > diag group.
    Synonym: None

    Allows the player to create special messages for entering a room.

  • Format: ENTER-MSG [text]
    Example: >enter-msg looking innocent. Others will see "(your name), looking innocent, just entered from the (direction)”.

    This will show you what your current enter message setting is.


    Allows you to ascertain the condition of an item in your inventory.

  • Format: EXAMINE [item]
    Example: >examine armor.
    Synonym: EXAM.

    Allows the player to create special messages for exiting a room.

  • Format: See ENTER-MSG above. The only difference is that the message shows when you exit the room instead of when you enter. Synonym: None.

    This will show you what your current exit message setting is.

  • Format: EXIT-MSG.

    Displays incoming descriptions in the longest, most verbose mode. This is the default when you first enter Dragon's Gate. See also the BRIEF and SUPERBRIEF commands.

  • Format: FULL
    Example: >full.
    Synonym: None.

    Provides a quick check of your current health in terms of hit points, fatigue points and injuries.

  • Format: HEALTH
    Example: >h
    Synonym: None

  • HELP
    see first entry in this section.

    Will give you specific information about a particular item and is controlled by the appropriate skill.

  • Format: IDENTIFY [gems|weapons|magick|armor]
    Example: >id agate
    (name of gem) >id sword >id magick on (item) >id armor.
    Synonym: None.

  • INFO
    Displays your vital statistics.

  • Format: APPEAL
    Example: >appeal
    Synonym: None.

  • INFO
    Displays your vital statistics.

    Example: >info
    (subject) Synonym: Information.

    Lists all items currently carried by you. Gold, silver and total weight are also displayed. Inventory command now shows the weight of each object carried. Characters can carry up to30 items at once.

    Format: INVENTORY
    Example: >inv
    Synonym: None

    User-defined 'kickout' timer added. Players can select from 1 - 15 minutes before being auto-ejected from the game if they're inactive.

    Format: KICKMEOUT <#>
    Example: >kickmeout 10.
    Synonym: None.

  • LOOK
    Displays information about your surroundings. If a target is specified, a short description of that target will be given. You can also look into an adjacent area by using the cardinal direction desired. (If it is dark, however, and you don't have night sight, you won't be able to see anything in an adjacent room.) LOOK command shows the # of the NPC. Example: 1st rogue, 2nd rogue, 1st rat, 1st slime. No guessing which one you are trying to hit.

    Format: LOOK {[ ] | [direction]}
    Example: >look
    >look at sword
    >look at merlin
    >look south.
    Synonym: None.

    This allows you to enable and disable the display of certain types of information. Type SET INFO HELP to see options. SET INFO ON will toggle all display options on; SET INFO OFF will toggle all display options off. This is mainly used to help control the flow of text that you receive.

    Format: SET INFO [option] [ON|OFF]
    Example: >set info sing off.
    Synonym: None.

  • SET UPDATE This allows you to alter the flags that control whether or not you see regular updates on your health, fatigue, spells, and login/outs. Note: If Display is set off, no updates for any options other than login/logouts can be seen.

    Format: SET UPDATE [display|health|fatigue|warn-health|warn-fatigue| alert-healed|alert-rested|no-spells|no-logins]
    Example: >set update no-logins on (you will no longer see logins/logouts)
    >set update alert-rested off.
    Synonym: None

    Show Follow will list those players who are following in your group.

    Format: SHOW FOLLOW.
    Example: >show follow.
    Synonym: None

    Displays the skills in which you have trained, and how much more practice is necessary before you may train again.

    Format: SKILL
    Example: >skill.
    Synonym: None.

  • SPELLS Lists any spells currently affecting you.

    Format: SPELLS Example: >spells Synonym: None

    Displays your current status. This information includes combat abilities and any equipment that is readied for use. STATUS also shows current tactical standing and movement rates

    Format: STATUS
    Example: >stat.
    Synonym: None

    Reduces incoming descriptions to the shortest, least verbose mode. This is useful if you wish to move rapidly through the world without seeing the full descriptions of each location. See also the BRIEF and FULL commands.

    Format: SUPERBRIEF.
    Example: >superbrief.
    Synonym: None.

  • TIME
    Displays the date and time in both the "real" world and the Dragon's Gate world.

    Format: TIME
    Example: >time
    Synonym: None

    Lists all the characters currently adventuring in the world of Dragon's Gate. Lists can be limited only to certain races, professions, or if looking for a specific name.

    Format: USERS [class|name|race|STAFF|ALL]
    Example: >user all
    >user San Elf
    >user Barbarian
    >user Mer (shows all players whose name begins with "Mer")
    >user staff (shows current Elders and Guides available to help you)
    Synonym: WHO

    Displays a current weather report for the Dragon's Gate world.

    Format: WEATHER.
    Example: >weather.
    Synonym: None

  • WHO
    See USERS.

    Displays a current weather and time report for the Dragon's Gate world.

  • Format: WORLD.
    Example: >world.
    Synonym: None

    Magick and Healing Commands. ...

  • Some races and classes will be able to work with the magick of Dragon's Gate. Be warned; magick is tricky! Magickal commands will function only when you have fulfilled certain conditions (See the section on Magick above.) Some commands also require special items to be readied or available. Much of the fun of magickal manipulation lies in discovering the key(s) to making a spell work and deducing what the spell does. We leave these discoveries to each individual. See the section on Life and Death in Dragon's Gate for more information on magick. Some healing commands are based on divine magick, and others are empathic. Care should be taken so as not to bring fatal harm to the healer.
    Cancels psionic effects you have placed on a target.

  • Format: CANCEL [(target)]
    Example: >cancel conf Slayer
    Synonym: None.

    May allow you to activate a rune-spell (if any) imbedded in an object. The object you are concentrating on must be readied.

  • Format: CONCENTRATE [object]
    Example: >concentrate amulet
    Synonym: None.

    Cancels a rune spell you have invoked on a target, or which has been invoked upon you. Note: you must possess the ability to cast the spell to dispel it.

  • Format: DISPEL [name or corridor #> [(target)]
    Example: >dispel fire Gamester.
    Synonym: None.

    Removes a rune spell you have memorized from a corridor.

  • Format: FORGET [corridor name or #]
    Example: >forget fire
    >forget 3
    Synonym: None.

    Casts a memorized spell at a target. Please note that you must have a weapon hand free to cast a spell.

  • Format: INVOKE [corridor name or number] AT [target]
    Example: >invoke fire at skeleton
    >invoke heal at Merlin.
    Synonym: None.

    A heart or sword Cleric may lay hands upon himself or another wounded individual in order to heal wounds by channeling the deity's power. The target must be sitting or lying down.

  • Format: LAY HANDS on [target]
    Example: >lay hands on errol.
    Synonym: None.

    Allows you to memorize a rune-spell into a corridor.

  • Format: MEMORIZE [up to 7 character name of your choice] [corridor #]
    Example: >memorize fire 3
    Synonym: None

  • PRAY
    Anyone who follows a deity may pray for aid. The type and quality of aid that may be granted depends upon the worshipper's devotion and experience. Some common prayers are: HEAL (hit points), STRENGTHEN (fatigue), SANCTUARY (move to safety), RESURRECT (restore life to). There are several others.

  • Format: PRAY [deity] {(action) [target|ME]}
    Example: >pray odarous heal me
    >pray taath harm Gamester.
    Synonym: None

    Psionics can be used as a combat weapon, or can be used to aid or gain information. Use INFO PSI to get a listing of all the psionic abilities you have available for use currently. [Only members of the Psycian race, of the Psion class, or those with Latent psionic abilities may use Psionic powers]

  • Format: PSIONIC (psi) at [target]
    Example: >psi dinv
    >psi esp at Errol
    Synonym: None

  • RUB
    May allow the activation of a rune-spell (if present) on an object. The object being rubbed must be readied to activate it.

  • Format: RUB [object]
    Example: >rub pendant.
    Synonym: None.

    Allows Secians to use empathic healing to transfer wounds from another person onto themselves, which can then heal at the Secian's accelerated rate. Care should be used to avoid transferring so much damage that the Secian becomes mortally wounded. Following terminology applies: wounds (all wounds), h (head), t (torso), ll (left leg), rl (right leg), la (left arm), ra (right arm)

  • Format: TRANSFER [wounds|h|t|ll|rl|la|ra] from [target]
    Example: >transfer wounds from Merlin
    >transfer ll from Errol
    Synonym: None

    Allows a player to use first aid skill to attempt to heal oneself or another. Target must be sitting or prone.

  • Format: TREAT [player]
    Example: >treat Merlin
    Synonym: None

  • TURN
    Allows a Cleric to use his/her deity's influence in controlling undead creatures. The target may be stunned, controlled or destroyed. A Cleric must donate and gain one level of devotion within their temple before they learn this ability. Clerics can develop their skill in this, which will increase their effectiveness using this command.

  • Format: TURN target>[#][n]
    Example: >turn zombie
    Synonym: None.

  • VISUALIZE (vis)
    Allows you to commit 3 specific locations to your memory for teleporting. Corridor # is where you want to store the location. Valid numbers are 1, 2, and 3. Once a spot is visualized, players select which slot they wish to make active. If it is a valid room (near enough to translocate to, and allowing translocation), translocation spells cast upon you will take you there. To create a visualization, you must be in the place you wish to visualize. Type VIS (# 1, 2, or 3), and that spot will become committed to the corresponding corridor.

    You must activate the visual to the spot you wish to translocate to by typing

  • VISUALIZE [corridor] [active]
    Example: >vis 2 active.
    Type INFO VISUALS to find out which corridors you have visualized.
    Synonym: None.

  • WAVE
    May activate a rune-spell (if any) on an object. Note: without a subject this is a self-explanatory action command (e.g. WAVE AT MERLIN). If no target is specified, the rune-spell (if any) will affect the caster. The object to be waved will need to be readied before it can be properly used.

  • Format: WAVE [item] [AT (target)]
    Example: >wave wand at rogue
    >wave staff.
    Synonym: None.

    Allows you to form rune-spells that can then be memorized. Further information on this command is available in the Life and Death in Dragon's Gate section of the manual.

  • Format: WEAVE [element1] [(element2)(element3)] [shape]
    Example: >weave fire fist.
    Synonym: None.

    Magick and Healing Commands. ...

  • Movement commands take you from one location to another. While most movement is natural or unimpeded, a few forms of movement are restricted in some fashion. These are noted where appropriate. The most common forms of movement are directional, and are self-explanatory. Available directions are north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest, southeast, southwest. These can each be abbreviated to one or two letters, i.e. N, SE, NW, E. In certain instances you may also be able to go UP or DOWN.

  • BYE
    Concludes your current adventuring session. You are assumed to set up camp and your current location and statistics are saved. The next time you activate this character, you will be exactly as you left it. Format: BYE
    Example: >bye
    Synonym: Quit, Exit.

    Breaks up a group you are leading. Format: DISBAND
    Example: >disband
    Synonym: None

  • DRAG
    Using drag, you may attempt to move a companion with you in a specified direction or through an exit. This is particularly useful for removing an unconscious adventurer from a combat location for healing or other purposes. Format: DRAG [target] [direction], or DRAG [target] THROUGH [exit]
    Example: >drag merlin north
    >drag merl through door
    Synonym: None

  • FLY
    Launches you into the air. This command is limited to races or classes that are capable of flight or levitation. Any subsequent movements are assumed to take place while in flight, until you land. When you are flying, the number of enemies that can attack you are drastically reduced. Use 5' increments to change altitude.

  • Format: FLY [UP|DOWN (distance)]
    Example: >fly
    >fly up 10. Synonym: None.

    Allows you to join another player's group. This means that whenever the other player takes a move, everyone in his group will automatically be carried along with him.

  • Format: FOLLOW [player]
    Example: >follow Merlin
    Synonym: None.

  • GO
    Allows you to move to or through any object or place that is within your reach.

  • Format: GO [item|place]
    Example: >go door
    >go 2 door
    >go bridge = cross the bridge.
    Synonym: cross, enter.

  • HIDE
    Allows you to attempt to blend into the shadows. Even when successful, there is a chance that observers will notice your attempt.

  • Format: HIDE
    Example: >hide
    Synonym: None.

  • LAND
    Land allows you to safely return to the ground from flight or levitation.

  • Format: LAND. Example: >land.
    Synonym: None.

  • LEAD
    Invites a player to follow you. The object of the command will receive a request to join your group. He must then use the FOLLOW command (above) to join.

  • Format: LEAD [player]
    Example: >lead Merlin
    Synonym: None

    Allows you to leave the group to which you currently belong.

  • Format: LEAVE
    Example: >leave.
    Synonym: None.

  • LOSE
    Allows you to remove a specific player from a group you are leading.

  • Format: LOSE Example: >lose Slayer Synonym: None.

  • QUIT
    See BYE < \ bye>.

  • SIT
    Moves you to a sitting position. Often used during a group discussion to indicate who is, or isn't, talking.

  • Format: SIT
    Example: >sit.
    Synonym: None.

    Allows you to "take a nap," moving you to a prone position and rendering you temporarily unconscious if tired. A sleeping or unconscious player regains fatigue at a more rapid rate. If you are not tired, you won't be able to stay asleep long.

  • Format: SLEEP.
    Example: >sleep.
    Synonym: None

    Moves you from a sitting or prone position to an upright, standing position.

  • Format: STAND
    Example: >stand.
    Synonym: None.

  • SWIM
    Used to get around in areas where there is water. (Note: Yes, there are now areas where water is abundant and yes, you can drown.)

  • Format: SWIM
    (direction) Example: >swim e
    Synonym: None.

    Special Commands ...

  • While most commands may be used anywhere in the world of Dragon's Gate, some commands function only in specific locations or under specific circumstances.

  • BANK
    Allows you to use banking services, not including your locker, while in any bank.

  • Format: BANK [<#> ]
    Example: >bank deposit 100 (silver is the default if not specified)
    >bank withdraw 100
    >bank balance
    >bank loan
    >bank repay 100 gold.
    Synonym: None.

    Allows you to start following a new god. Dedicating to a new god must be done in the temple of that god. Also, the gods are known to be jealous so switching to a new deity can bring repercussions from your former deity. Attempting to re-dedicate to your former deity after leaving their temple can also be extremely harmful!!

  • Format: DEDICATE TO [deity]
    Example: >dedicate to Taath
    Synonym: None

    If you die, you may wish to depart to your deity or the House of the Dead rather than wait for resurrection. You will remain dead (a Ghost) until such time as you either Depart, or are resurrected by some kind soul. There is a chance you will be penalized via skill loss when you depart, as the process of dying and coming back is very traumatizing.

  • Format: DEPART
    Example: >depart.
    Synonym: None.

    Used to donate gold, silver, or objects to your deity. You must be in the appropriate temple for the donation to be made.

  • Format: DONATE [#] [object|gold|silver] TO [deity]
    Example: >donate 500 silver to Sa
    >donate 2 sword to Sa (donates the 2nd sword)
    Synonym: None

    When you have qualified for advancement, you may go to a guild and train. Training will usually improve your abilities and skills, giving you more prowess in your chosen profession.

    Example: >train list (displays the skills available for training) >train learn 25 (to learn skill #25 listed in TRAIN LIST)
    >train raise 25 (to raise skill #25 listed in TRAIN LIST)
    >train view (to view the top 50 members of your class guild) >train review (to review the tenets of your class guild.)
    Synonym: None.

    Allows you to request intervention from your deity while at the altar of the God within their temple.

  • Format: REQUEST [deity] [HEAL|VIGOR|CURE|RESURRECT] [target|object|ME]
    Example: >request sa heal me (hp/wounds - target or self)
    >request sa vigor Merlin (fatigue - targets or self)
    >request sa cure me (poison/disease - targets or self)
    >request sa resurrect Merlin (resurrection - only targets)
    Synonym: None.

    Self-Explanatory Commands ...

  • Some commands need no explanation. They do exactly what they say. We encourage you to role-play with these commands. They are purely theatrical and have no lasting effect, except memories.

  • Many of these commands can use the qualifier: [AT|ON|WITH ] Certain commands (SMILE, SIGH, STARE) may take complex modifiers if not directed at a specific player or monster. Example:
    >smile at slay = "WishDreamer smiles at Slayer."
    >stare sternly at WishDreamer and tells her to behave = "Slayer stares sternly at WishDreamer... (etc.)"

    Bat (eyes)
    Blow (kiss)
    Chuckle Circle (flying)
    Flitter/Flutter (Secians)
    Furrow (brow)
    Lean head
    Roar (Leuian)
    ROTFL (roll on the floor laughing)


    Go Play! Go Play! Go Play!