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Overview ...

Odarous is the Deity of Battle and Chivalry. Odarians follow a strict code of battle, based upon valor and fair play. Odarians follow a code of chivalry marked by truth, honor, generosity, and courtesy. This code will not prevent a follower from doing wrong but excommunication and dishonor within the Temple are among the consequences if one is discovered. An Odarian will seek to help out those in need, and right wrongs done upon the weak. Odarous expects his followers to uphold his precedents and blesses those who do so. Odarians often dress in bright shiny (almost mirror-like) plate armor and are proficient in the use of many weapons, either one or two handed.

Religion Characteristics and Associations...

  • Alignment: Orderly

  • Classes: Fighter, Cleric, Bard, Barbarian, Forester

  • Gem: Tigereye

  • Color: white

  • Animal association: Eagle

  • Odarian Prayer as given by Ariakin's Ghost Thou art duty bound to Odarous, thy people, and thyself, in that order
    Thou art duty bound to uphold the oath of Odarous
    Thou art duty bound to fight for truth, justice, and honor, for these show the way of the light
    Thou art bound by Odarous to obey His laws, defend what is holy, and avenge those you protect
    Thou art honor bound to keep thy word when given.
    Thou art honor bound to protect and defend the weak and innocent
    Thou art honor bound to help those in need
    Thou must conduct thyself in a chivalrous manor
    Thou must conduct thyself with honor
    Thou must show courage in the face of adversity
    Thou art duty bound to Odarous, thy people, and thyself, in that order...
    Thou art duty bound to uphold the oath of Odarous
    Thou art duty bound to fight for truth, justice, and honor, for these show the way of the light
    Thou art bound by Odarous to obey his laws, defend what is holy, and avenge those you protect.

    Odarous is the God of Battle and Chivalry. He is often refered to as:

  • the Just
  • the Fist
  • the Battlemaster
  • The Major Temple is refered to as The Golden Citadel of Odarous.

    In 25TA (TA refers to "this age", as all that comes before the year 0 are marked with other ages), a particular movement within the faith gathered together motivated by a vision sent by Odarous. Knights of the Order of the Eagle, Clergy, as well as many faithful from various Odarian temples, landed on what became known as the Island of Saldea, an archaic word in Secti roughly interpreted in common as 'Consecrated by the Eagle'. Of note, however, is that it has always retained its original name in the servants tongue, and never been known by its common interpretation.

    On this forested island, they built a keep and established a port city, a utopian society that extended secular traditions to the governorship of the city as a whole. Though open to people of all faiths, Odarian ideals were the guidelines of all city functions and practices. Today, Saldea is the seat of Odarian power, and it is here that all formal issues are decided. Each Temple owes fealty to the Cathedral of Honor in Saldea, or more particularly, to those who have been named to its structure, and expected to operate according to the direction of those named to the Aerie. Though claimed by the followers of Odarous as the seat of organized Odarian religion, the island harbors a dark enemy and his corrupt creations. A Muatana-al named Maloveous resides in the dark heart of lightless forests, surrounded by the perversion of undead Wyverns and giant Weresids, accompanied by all manner of dangerous guardians. A devoted follower of the Lords of Chaos, the ageless Muat is a sinister threat to the devout followers of order that have made their home there. Unassailable in his Keep, protected by ancient magicks, the people of Saldaea live their lives in constant readiness, awaiting the moment of battle that will finally decide the fate of the island. Until that day, the youth of the religion are sent out into the uncivilized lands to test themselves and grow strong in both battle and faith, returning only when they have achieved the pinacle of both....

    The leader of the Major Temple is known as The Golden Marshall. The head of the local temple, The Grand Garrison of Odarous at the City of Spur, holds the rank of Commandant.

    The Odarian Code defines our attitudes, shapes our actions and serves to remind us of who we are and what we believe in. It is intended to provide a basis for conduct, so that, in spite of our being many, we may live according to one rule, with one soul and one heart.

    The Odarian Code is uncompromising, there is no gray area, only black and white, right and wrong. Violations have severe consequences, ranging from reprimands to excommunication. Still, we consider the Code a privilege, not a burden. Every action is a choice between right and wrong. With justifiable pride, we consider ourselves the embodiment of the highest standards of honor, courage, and duty.

    The Code embodies the following principles:

    An Odarian demonstrates unyielding courage in the face of adversity. No danger is too great to prevent us from fulfilling a promise or completing a mission. Our commitment is stronger than fear of pain, hardship, or even death. An Odarian's valor is particularly evident on the battlefield. We regard war as a noble enterprise, and combat as an opportunity to worship our god. Odarians will attack an enemy without hesitation, continuing to fight until the enemy is slain, withdraws, or we are seriously wounded or killed. Whenever possible, we choose the most formidable enemy as our primary target. We defend those that cannot defend themselves.

  • HONOR:
    We conduct ourselves with integrity regardless of circumstance. We strive to avoid even the appearance of impropriety, remaining pure in word, deed, and thought. We behave in a morally sound manner even when alone or when no one else will know of our actions. We accept all challenges to duel or fight given by those of comparable status and power. (A challenge from an arrogant youngster or a drunken warrior may go unheeded). In a duel, we fight within the terms stated before the match. Once a duel is finished, if we have lost we behave graciously and do not challenge again if the duel was a fair one.

    An Odarian will die before compromising our principles, betraying our vows, the God we represent; or abandoning a protected charge. We acknowledge the dignity of all people, regardless of their race, sex, class, or economic status, by treating them with courtesy and respect. We show mercy to the repentant, and refuse to inflict undue suffering, even on the vilest evildoer. (It is an admirable act to comfort a dying friend, but an act of honor to comfort a dying enemy).

    Once an Odarian pledges loyalty to a cause or a person, we are bound indefinitely, until released or the cause/person proves to be unworthy of our service. The responsibilities associated with fealty include, but are not limited to:
    Faithfully serving regardless of personal adversity.

    Honoring and respecting symbols and representatives of the charge.

    Sacrificing his or her life for the cause if necessary.

    An Odarian will always speak the truth as we know it. We may decline to speak or choose to withhold information, but we will never intentionally mislead anyone, even our enemies. We may however, frame answers in such a way as to withhold vital information. An Odarian does not make promises lightly; once our word is given, we always keep it. An Odarian's word is his/her bond. Once given, it cannot be taken back.

    Courtesy involves more than merely following the rules of etiquette. It is also an attitude, the way we present ourselves to the world. An Odarian carries himself or herself proudly, maintains self-control, and accepts ill-mannered behavior with grace.

    We follow social customs to the best of our ability.

    We are polite and deferential to all. We speak tactfully and kindly. We behave with dignity. We attempt to remain free of emotional outbursts, foul language, and other boorish acts. We consider the feelings of others and take care not to offend them. Odarians always demonstrate proper manners.

    Chivalry And the Chivalric Code
    Throughout history Odarians have been known for their ferocity in battle, but also for the courtesy and sense of fair play they show their enemies. Tales abound of an Odarian disarming a foe, only to step aside whilst they recover their weapon or offering a weapon of their own so as not to take advantage. Ramon Lull, a Cleric of the Sword, was known to say "Battle is the true test of our faith and skill, to take unfair advantage of the enemy tests nothing but our cowardice and lack of faith in ourselves." There is no honor to be gained from killing an unarmed foe, in doing so we dishonor ourselves and our opponent by denying them the right to die with honor in battle.

    Chivalry teaches us to behave with courtesy and dignity, to speak honestly and forthrightly. In practicing chivalry, we learn to give respect where it is due and defend the weak. The Chivalric Code teaches us to be more than warriors, to think not only of the battle but what we fight for. A battle with no cause is a battle not to be fought.

    The Chivalric Code

    An Odarian often must make personal sacrifices in upholding the principles and defending the people they value and believe in. The path we choose is the difficult one, remaining true to it has its cost. Courage also means defending the truth in all things, rather than looking the other way or using the convenient lie. Seek truth at all times, but remember to temper it with mercy lest the pure truth bring grief.

    Odarians are sworn to defend the weak, to protect the innocent and those that depend on them. Strive always to defend your home, your temple, your family and friends when they are in peril. Shield the innocent from the wicked, defend the weak from the oppressor.

    Seek always the path of 'right,' strive to be unfettered by bias and personal interest. Know that the Sword of Justice can be a fearful thing in the wrong hands, temper it with compassion and mercy. If the justice you do rings true with others, and you met it out without being swayed by the temptation for expediency, honor will be yours.

    Learn to be unflinching in your duty to the people and ideals you hold dear. There are places where compromise is expected; loyalty is not one of them.

  • FAITH:
    An Odarian must have faith in his beliefs, for faith gives hope against despair and bolsters not only ourselves, but those we protect.

    Speak of the contributions of others; do not speak of your accomplishments. Know the value in retelling the tale of another's valor and in according them the honor they rightfully earned instead of boasting of your own.

    Strive to excel in all things, martial and otherwise. Use that prowess in the service of justice, rather than in personal gain.

    Find honor in seeking to remain true to the beliefs you choose to live by, but know that the ideal can never be reached. It is the struggle to attain the ideal that ennobles us, gaining us honor and nobility.

    In being chivalrous, we offer an example of what a just life can accomplish and attain. In doing so, we influence those around us to follow our path; thereby ensuring the weak and the innocent will be defended from injustice. In doing so we find our cause and our honor.

    I thank those that lent their words to this document and spoke through me. Ramon Lull, Chretien de Troyes, Jonkirk Bayard and others. I can only pray I have done their teachings justice.

    -Khatmandu Snaggletooth
    Khat'sara of Kassandra
    Leuian and Odarian

  • The Code of the Knights of Odarous
    The knightly virtues:


    Knights must know when to choose the more difficult, and more personally expensive path. They must be ready to make personal sacrifices in order to serve the ideals and people that they cherish. It involves choosing to uphold truth at all costs, rather than allowing a lie to pass. Courage does not mean being stupidly arrogant, but having the will to do what is right.


    A knight is curtious to all. And expects nothing in return. Favor instead of rights.


    A knight is sworn to defend their lords and ladies, their families, their nation, widows and orphans, and the church. In defense of these ideals and individuals, there can be no compromise.


    A knight will hold strong faith in the Gods, giving them strong roots and hope against the evil tidings of the world.


    A knight is generous to the point of poverty. The needs of others outweigh the personal needs outside life.

    Good faith-

    A knight believes in the word of others alone, only when deeds show malice is good faith lost.


    A knight must have a good sense of what is just and right and be able to apply it to one’s own conduct in relation to others.


    Humble knights are the first to tell of another's deeds before their own, giving them them the honor they deserved from their good deeds. They let others proclaim their own deeds. Knighthood is glorified by the humility of its members.


    In courageously seeking the truth, and the path of righteousness, knights strove to escape their own bias or personal gain and instead be just. Justice untempered by mercy can bring grief, however. A valorous knights will seek out justice without bending to temptation or expediency.


    Nobility is the beginning of courtesy, and thus knights are to be polite and equitable to all as they develop and maintain a noble character through the ideals of chivalry. A knight is forever an example of what it is to serve righteousness.


    A knight has a proper feeling of esteem for one's own qualities or achievements. But does not boast of those accomplishments.

    The code of conduct:

    -A knight shall never brandish their weapon in anger or for evil purposes.

    -A knight shall never lie and shall always stay true to their sworn word; to break an oath is to order one self to death.

    -A knight is sworn to protect all those who are weak, poor and innocent. If a knight fails to do so they not only fail themselves, they fail that person as well, a crime twice as horrible.

    -A knight is sworn to protect any charge unto death.

    -A knight will always be noble in service.

    -A knight shall find death before dishonor.

    -A knight will honor all those above them in station or rank.

    -A knight shall command obedience through respect.

    -A knight shall scorn all those who are ignoble.

    -A knight shall always punish the guilty in a form fitting their crime.

    -A knight shall show courtesy to all ladies.

    -A knight shall always work with a cool head, anger blinds the eyes.
    The code of battle:
    -A knight shall show courtesy to their foe at all times.

    -A knight shall never let anger control their actions.

    -A knight will not let the lack of chivalry in others cause themselves to become unchivalrous.

    -If your opponent is your lesser, practice chivalry, if your opponent is your better do so as well, but grant no quarter.

    -A knight will never attack an unarmed foe, if an enemy is without a weapon the knight will provide them one if battle is required. To face a foe who is an act of cowardice deserving of the highest forms of punishment the order can hand down.

    -A knight shall never battle against odds that are unfairly in their advantage, such as joining a battle to make it a battle of two on one. To do such is an act of cowardice, there is no honor battling in an unfair way.

    -A knight shall always fight battle fairly and honorably, to cheat is to be worse than the evils the knighthood is sworn to battle.

    -A knight shall always remember their actions speak louder than words, and their example in the world is an example of the entire knighthood.

    Odarian dogma does not in any way condemn the use of magick. This is vital to comprehend. The faith as a whole does not concern itself with such pronouncements, for it has no bearing upon the precepts of Law, Honor, Battle, or Chivalry. So long as even in the practice of magick these things are tantamount, Odarous has not given us a concern for the issue of Magick, just as He has neither given us commandment to care for Nature. The Odarian faith does not and never has made official statement that the practice of rune-magic is immoral or corrupt. Rather it is that the nature of one that devotes entirely to this practice proves incompatible to the worship of Odarous. Any given mage may demonstrate honorable conduct and a lifestyle that our Lord would approve of. Yet it is the impetus and goals of such an individual that excludes them from membership in the Odarian temple.

    By the same token, not all who oppose Odarous and his teachings are without honor. There are very rarely absolutes to define either friend or foe. Our differences lie in the life path that we strive to attain, for this is in the end what gives us definition.

    Valoria Braq,
    Heart Cleric of Odarous

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